Gifted Program Selection Process

What is Gifted Program?     

       Gifted-program is a special education program offered by the Department of Public Schools for children with exceptional intellectual ability.


When is the Gifted-program test?     

       For TDSB and YRDSB students, the unified exam for gifted and talented classes is usually in mid to late November of the third year


How to take the Gifted-program?     

       Selection for the Gifted-program is generally divided into two phases: the first phase is the Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test. Students who score in the top 5% of their peers in this phase will be invited to take the second phase of the psychometric evaluation. Students who score in the top 2% of their peers in the second phase of the test will be deemed eligible for admission to the Gifted-program.


What is tested in the Gifted-program?

       The first stage of the Gifted-program is based on the standard Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test, which consists of three modules of verbal, mathematical and non-verbal tests, the specific content and duration of each module are as follows:

The General Ability Index test, administered by a professional psychologist, is a 45-60 minute part of the second phase of the Gifted-program. This section consists of 5 parts: Similarities, Vocabulary, Block design, Matrix resigning and Figure weights.



































       天才班第二阶段的考试为由专业的心理医生主持的The General Ability Index一般能力指数测试,这部分测试时长为45-60分钟。此部分由Similarities,Vocabulary,Block design,Matrix r esigning及Figure weights 5个部分组成。